The Power Of Love

I, my friends, am a fag hag. Ain't no two ways about it. Ask anyone I know. Some of my closest friends in life are those I grew up with in a small conservative Central Valley town and they are as gay as the day is long. During and after college friends came out and I shared their different experiences. Working in fashion, you know I've met some queens in my day mmmkay?! And did I mention I live in San Francisco? (PS- Three of my favorite people are men who are basically married to one another and just bought a house together.) Tonight I celebrated with two of my main 'mos the overturning of Proposition 8. Love is love. That's all there is to it.

Let the people call me naive, I believe in the power of LOVE.


Love At A Price

The clothing company I work for has a maternity line. Optimally you want to sell the product at wholesale. Having extra merchandise on-hand is a reality and ultimately it gets sold to flash sales and discounters at a price that (hopefully) works for all involved parties. When I first heard about the new maternity line by Forever 21 called Love 21, I thought it was a brilliant idea. Trendy maternity clothing on the cheap- why not? Many women who are pregnant do not want to spend a lot of money on clothing which will not fit them months down the line. With the low price point at Forevs, a gal has options.

A controversy is a brewin' about the new line and its release in 5 states with high pregnancy rates. Not only teenagers shop at the chain people. Style-conscious expectant mothers on a budget in an older demographic want to look good too. The fact that people are finding a correlation between this new line and teenage pregnancy is ridonkulous. Are you telling me every store carrying a maternity line is encouraging teenage pregnancy?! Puh-leeze. If a young woman were to become pregnant, I highly doubt the decision would be based on a wanting to buy a piece of clothing.