Oh the Twittersphere- it has its highs and lows but sometimes connections are made, however brief and fleeting, in 140 characters or less. Today Superstylin* received a tweet from Kelly LeBrock about Fashionware- an upcoming fashion/tech event. Vegas anyone?
@superstylinstar @cfda @decodedfashion hosting swanky #Fashionware party #2013CES #Venetian1/10 7pm #CES #HighTech&FashionMy guest pls!
— KELLY LeBROCK (@KellyLeBrock) January 3, 2013
Naturally I thought of Lisa who was crafted from computer love complete with amazing outfits in Weird Science. I always loved how she played with her look. PS- Still crushing on Wyatt like it's 1985. Is that weird?